Monday, March 19, 2007

It's been a while

I've kinda been forgeting about this blog thing (my bad). We still haven't actually started making our game yet but I've learnt a lot about games. For instance I learnt that when there's a lot at stake (or you think/feel like there's a lot at stake) a game becomes far more intense. Which is why our poker game was so much fun; especially considering I became quite 'rich'.

I beat Cliff at chess! Alright! (Thanks ainslie for always letting me play chess drunk at your house). And apparently the game revealed im a 'psych-monger' which could quite possibly be true.

We've started writting the game, but haven't really got much farther than establishing some of what the game will be about; probably a steam-punk game, which is great. I've been established as one of the writers along with Cliff and Joseph. Which is an extremely diverse team which does worry me a wee bit, but I'm sure we'll be fine.

Anyway, until next time...


ValHallen said...

Start. Remembering. *glower*

Seriously tho, how's the story work coming along?

ValHallen said...

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