Wednesday, May 30, 2007

oh the irony

Well yesterday I realised (or it was brought to my attention) that I hadn't made a list of everything that had to be done by my animation guys. Which is rather ironic considering I was disapointed in the art guys because they didn't have a list. And that I made their list before I made mine... But oh well. The animators haven't really had any confusion over what need's to be done until now anyway, and that's because all the main characters are pretty much done; so now it's down to the nitty gritty of the minor characters. So now there's a list!

Also yesterday we managed to pass the Alpha level! So we don't fail yet!!! Brilliant! I'd like to thank Asif and Chi particularly for there fantastic effort! And most of the rest of the team did great too!

Sweet action.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

We might make it

Well, it's Sunday and I'm at uni, trying to get this game done. Jesse was pretty late which angered most people quite a bit, which is justafied as he's supposed to be the leader.

I've just made a list of all the backgrounds that will be in the game, and what's done, and what's being roughly done. Not that I mind doing it, but that task shouldn't have fallen to me. Dino should have made that list as soon as the game was written, and Jesse should have made him do it. They both lack leadership skills, but I don't think either of them have ever lead anything before, so I suppose that's an excuse. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against either of them. They're not doing too bad a job and they're both very motivated now, so all is well.

My animation guys are doing a fantastic job. They've all got specific roles now; Eugene is modeling, Lincoln is rigging, and James is animating. They all cross over from time to time though. We were a bit annoyed that Eugene didn't turn up to class on Wednesday but it turns out he was up all night modeling. Which I think is a pretty good excuse.

Anyway. Back to work.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Okay, as far as my involvement with the story is concerned, I think it would be fair to say that I was a key player. I had a lot of influence on the direction of the story right from the get go, and a lot of my ideas are in the final story. I did not however do any of the puzzles. I did all the key dialogue, which is the main driving force of most story's, and certainly this one. Dialogue is also key to setting the tone of the story. Overall I'm pretty happy with the story; I think it's interesting, well structured, a little bit original, and relatively well paced.

I am pretty happy with the way the story team worked, overall. I was particularly impressed by Jared, as he has a solid idea of what makes a good story (and I suppose because we agreed on most things).

As far as the design document goes I didn't have a huge imput, except ofcourse for the story. I did however do some of the technical parts (rendering descriptions etc). I said we should do the backgrounds 2D from the get go, but was rebutted by pretty much the entire team (who were all under the impression you could model a room way faster than you could draw it). Not to say 'I told you so' but they quickly changed their minds once the pressure came on. So I told you so. It was also my idea to cell shade. Which I think is a crucial decision to actually getting this game done (which I am still worried about), and so I'm going to take that credit. Although I am aware that it won't look as cool as if we had not cell shaded... But I think it's better not looking as cool, than not looking at all.

As animation lead I am relatively happy with my team.
Lincoln's done a fantastic job modeling Alex and rigging him. Although he spent too long rigging, and re-rigging. However he had to learn to rig and then do it, which mostly justafies it. He communicates and co-operates well. He's good to work with, and he's a talented guy.
Jame's has done a good job modeling and rigging the homeless man. Although he's spent way too long doing so. But he isn't very experianced with modeling or rigging, so I'll forgive him. And I think he's a fantastic animator, so he's going to be great once he get's into that. He's great to work with, a good communicator and also a talented man.
Eugene has done a fabulous job modeling Professor Ed, and the bar manager, and rigging them, and rigging Eva! He's the most experienced 3DStudio Max user, and is doing a great job. He's a man of few words, but he gets on with the job once he's got something clear to do. He has also acted as a technical adviser to the rest of the team. Great to work with. Another talented member of the animation team.

Anyway, I've slept for about 19 hours out of the last 133 (I just worked it out), so I'm going to bed.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anzac Day

Well, due to Anzac Day we missed a games class. I got over the trauma but I still would've liked to have had the class; mostly to kick everyone into gear. Talking to Jesse today it sounds like we might finally almost be starting to get organised!

So here's hoping.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Waste of time

We had a meeting on friday. It was a bit annoying actually because it was completely pointless. Jesse's not doing too bad at the production manager thing, but it's about time he started making a plan for the meetings. I think maybe he needs to make those list things you have in big board meetings; I can't remember what they're called but they make everything run smoothly, and also probably could act as an indication of whether it's worth having a meeting...

I'm pretty dissapointed with the art team. It's by far the biggest team, and they've done almost nothing. The design book has about 7 pages filled; I'm not even sure if thats one page per person in the group. I wanted to get my animation guys started on some modeling, but we have nothing to model! And there's no way I'm modeling all their concepts. So the animation team is going through copius tutorials, which is good but not as productive as it could be.

I also found it interesting that the people who lasted longest at the meeting were the story team, and Lincoln and James from the animation team, and ofcourse Jesse.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Writing, writing, writing

Well, we've been writing quite a bit lately. We had a meeting on monday at Auckland Uni of all places (due to most places being closed on monday), which was quite successfull. We got the final details of the treatment sorted, so the legendary Jared could write everything up in detail and in finality. The logic guys have being working extremely hard over the last few days, and are doing a great job! Jason you asked for a hard and long game, and I think you're going to get it!

I've been mostly working on dialogue lately. It's taking a bit longer than anticipated, but I think it's coming along alright. It's quite a tricky job turning a story that's blocked out, into something that flows naturally. And portraying information without forcing it, or giving too much out at once.

Anyway, as far as animation goes it's still obviously going slowly. Hopefully James, Lincoln, and Eugene have been animating skeletons, and learning more about them. I've been watching tutorials.

Everything's going pretty well!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Well, today Jared, Cliff, Joseph and myself spent the entire day writing the game. We got a lot done which was great, although I think I hate writing with so many people. I definately enjoy writing with someone else (as long as I agree with their style) but 4 people is just too many. I'm quite sure myself and Jared could have writen more, faster. Infact earlier this week, just me and Jared spent some time writing together and got quite a bit done; and it acted as a spring board for todays work. I think maybe I just hate democracy (sorry Mcarthy). But I love writing so it was good fun! And I think the story is really good...

Anyway, on wednesday I became the Animation Lead. Which is pretty cool. I'm stoked with my team! Lincoln, James, and Eugene with Carter wanting to do some modeling and Scott's up for some BG animation.

Lincoln and James are doing some walk cycle research, but that's about all at the moment. I've found myself staring at people walking a lot lately, and not even just girls! And I think I'm starting to get a handle on the whole walking thing.

Also I'm on the coding team (which I'm sure will bring up a bunch of jokes I've been hearing since I was 6), which should be interesting if not fun. I haven't done anything for that team as of yet.

Well, until next time!

Monday, March 19, 2007

It's been a while

I've kinda been forgeting about this blog thing (my bad). We still haven't actually started making our game yet but I've learnt a lot about games. For instance I learnt that when there's a lot at stake (or you think/feel like there's a lot at stake) a game becomes far more intense. Which is why our poker game was so much fun; especially considering I became quite 'rich'.

I beat Cliff at chess! Alright! (Thanks ainslie for always letting me play chess drunk at your house). And apparently the game revealed im a 'psych-monger' which could quite possibly be true.

We've started writting the game, but haven't really got much farther than establishing some of what the game will be about; probably a steam-punk game, which is great. I've been established as one of the writers along with Cliff and Joseph. Which is an extremely diverse team which does worry me a wee bit, but I'm sure we'll be fine.

Anyway, until next time...

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


Today in 'the class in which we make games' we discussed what games were and how they all were about learning. There were two types of games but I forgot what they were... It might have been something to do with imitative and learnt, but I don't think that was it. I'm sure I'll remember later anyway so that's alright.
We also ran through how a game studio runs and practiced developing a game through its concept stages. It was a very interesting and enjoyable class.

Pluss we played hop-scotch! (I think thats spelt wrong)
The rules of hop-scotch are as follows:

1. Jump in the squares not out.
2. Don't jump in the square with the stone you've thrown in it.
3. You win if you're the last person to screw up.
4. Jump with one foot in the squares; although that rule seems not to apply at random times...