Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anzac Day

Well, due to Anzac Day we missed a games class. I got over the trauma but I still would've liked to have had the class; mostly to kick everyone into gear. Talking to Jesse today it sounds like we might finally almost be starting to get organised!

So here's hoping.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Waste of time

We had a meeting on friday. It was a bit annoying actually because it was completely pointless. Jesse's not doing too bad at the production manager thing, but it's about time he started making a plan for the meetings. I think maybe he needs to make those list things you have in big board meetings; I can't remember what they're called but they make everything run smoothly, and also probably could act as an indication of whether it's worth having a meeting...

I'm pretty dissapointed with the art team. It's by far the biggest team, and they've done almost nothing. The design book has about 7 pages filled; I'm not even sure if thats one page per person in the group. I wanted to get my animation guys started on some modeling, but we have nothing to model! And there's no way I'm modeling all their concepts. So the animation team is going through copius tutorials, which is good but not as productive as it could be.

I also found it interesting that the people who lasted longest at the meeting were the story team, and Lincoln and James from the animation team, and ofcourse Jesse.


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Writing, writing, writing

Well, we've been writing quite a bit lately. We had a meeting on monday at Auckland Uni of all places (due to most places being closed on monday), which was quite successfull. We got the final details of the treatment sorted, so the legendary Jared could write everything up in detail and in finality. The logic guys have being working extremely hard over the last few days, and are doing a great job! Jason you asked for a hard and long game, and I think you're going to get it!

I've been mostly working on dialogue lately. It's taking a bit longer than anticipated, but I think it's coming along alright. It's quite a tricky job turning a story that's blocked out, into something that flows naturally. And portraying information without forcing it, or giving too much out at once.

Anyway, as far as animation goes it's still obviously going slowly. Hopefully James, Lincoln, and Eugene have been animating skeletons, and learning more about them. I've been watching tutorials.

Everything's going pretty well!

Sunday, April 1, 2007


Well, today Jared, Cliff, Joseph and myself spent the entire day writing the game. We got a lot done which was great, although I think I hate writing with so many people. I definately enjoy writing with someone else (as long as I agree with their style) but 4 people is just too many. I'm quite sure myself and Jared could have writen more, faster. Infact earlier this week, just me and Jared spent some time writing together and got quite a bit done; and it acted as a spring board for todays work. I think maybe I just hate democracy (sorry Mcarthy). But I love writing so it was good fun! And I think the story is really good...

Anyway, on wednesday I became the Animation Lead. Which is pretty cool. I'm stoked with my team! Lincoln, James, and Eugene with Carter wanting to do some modeling and Scott's up for some BG animation.

Lincoln and James are doing some walk cycle research, but that's about all at the moment. I've found myself staring at people walking a lot lately, and not even just girls! And I think I'm starting to get a handle on the whole walking thing.

Also I'm on the coding team (which I'm sure will bring up a bunch of jokes I've been hearing since I was 6), which should be interesting if not fun. I haven't done anything for that team as of yet.

Well, until next time!